hello@origamiboutiqueresidences.com / +30 2752 0 97 917


At Origami, sustainability is woven into our core philosophy. We are dedicated to minimizing our environmental footprint and continually evolving our practices to enhance sustainability.

  • Closed Water System: We minimize waste and maximize water recycling with our closed water system.
  • Energy Efficiency: Our building features a robust insulation system, ensuring optimal energy efficiency.
  • Ecological Pools: Utilizing advanced ecological pool technology, we reduce chemical usage for a more natural aquatic experience.
  • Solar Panels: We proudly generate our own energy with solar panels, achieving complete energy independence.
  • EV Car Charger: Supporting sustainable transportation options, our EV car charger promotes eco-friendly travel.


At Origami Boutique Residences, we are committed to exploring new ideas and partnerships to further our sustainability efforts. If you share our passion for sustainability or have innovative ideas to contribute, please reach out to us. Together, we can continue to unfold a greener future.

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